Taurus and Pacing

Taurus and Scorpio Transformed

Hello, space friends. I can not believe it’s already almost June. We made it through that gnarly patch of Taurus weather in late April/May including the tandem eclipse and Mercury retrograde times. Congratulations, we are on the other side of what was a pretty unstable time. Look to the Taurus part of your chart to see where we have been pulled into attention or action. There has been a lot of recent change and rearrangement in Taurus, but I expect the dust to settle there in June. For about the last year, the lunar nodes and their eclipses in the Scorpio-Taurus axis have been highlighting a shift toward understanding, balance, and growth in Taurus, and (hopefully) gentle pruning and letting go in Scorpio. We have one more 6-month run of the eclipses touching this axis:

  • Ask yourself what still need to be weeded out of the Scorpio part of your chart, and what could use nourishment and more attention in Taurus.

  • What is required over the next 6 months to bring better balance to these places in your chart?

For me personally, I’m letting go of some 10th house things in order to restore balance and allow for more bandwidth in my 4th house things. Classic work-private life balance issues.

Jupiter in Taurus and Pacing

In other news, Jupiter has entered Taurus! I am biased given my own natal placement, but I loved Jupiter in Aries. It can be A LOT, like drinking from a firehose (apologies to all of my clients, I am trying to slow down haha), however it also felt very effective, even if a bit frenzied. Now, it is time to adjust to a reduction in speed. The pace in Taurus is more gentle, and effective in it’s own way, albeit requiring more patience. And so:


We've had a year of better access to martial force and drive in the Aries part of our chart. Think of ways you've had to put in effort, in the Aries part of your chart over the last year. While a Mars-ruled place indicates potential for action under duress or urgency, Jupiter may have made our efforts more exuberant or hopeful. Perhaps we came into an understanding of our Aries landscape, maybe we learned, grew, found balance, friendship, assistance, or opportunity.

Whatever we said Yes to since the middle of 2022, we now have further opportunity to nourish and move forward. Part of any quick progress we could have made with Jupiter in Aries was thwarted by Mars' time in Gemini and its retrograde there. Not only were our ambitions multiplied, scattered, or fractured by Mars in Gemini, but the retrograde intensified these qualities, and created instability in our motivations for a good fifth of Jupiter's time in Aries. With Mars no longer part of the equation and Venus ruling over what Jupiter touches, the pacing relaxes. This might take a moment of adjustment. Just because Jupiter has entered more relaxed terrain, does not mean we have relaxed.

To move in a less astrological, more Buddhist framing, for most* of us, our pace reflects the state of our mind. I think Jupiter in Taurus has lessons to teach us in terms of slowing down. When we slow down we can pay more attention to more things. There are many aphorisms about this. The less we speak the more we hear. The slower we go the more we perceive. The fastest way is smooth, and the smoothest way is slowly. This can be a practice for us for the next year.

Next time you're walking, notice your pace and notice your mind and see how they relate. When we're hurrying somewhere, our mind is generally of a similar quality: racing, pushing, contracted like our muscles, thinking about the past, future, and plans in between. Normal brain stuff.

When we're not rushing, our mind has a tendency to slow down as well, allowing us to notice more in our mind and our environment. Allowing us to notice how we are actually feeling in our physical body. Jupiter in Taurus wants us to plan for the future of course. We must maintain what we grow. But it is my opinion that Jupiter in Taurus also wants us to be in our bodies and see what is really there in front of us materially.

  • What does the body feel like?

  • What shapes and colors, sounds and smells are around?

  • Is there awareness enough to notice?

We can spend the time we need in mental planning because we need to, and then intentionally come back to the moment of plodding.

If you don't have to be anywhere and you're still walking fast, ask yourself why? Where is that sense of urgency coming from? Can we relax and find a natural slower pace? When we're walking for pleasure, we have the opportunity to really slow down. It can feel so unnatural at first, but trust me, walking slow has become a greatly pleasurable experience. How luxurious to just saunter along? Like an actual cow? Have you ever seen how peaceful a grazing cow looks? HOW NICE. Why are we leaving this on the table?

I realize this is cultural and not all places and people operate like this, but here in the Midwest US, everyone is walking like they're on a timed mission. Every time I walk somewhere with friends for fun, even if we don't have to be there anytime soon, everyone power walks to the point where I am almost jogging to keep up (I have short legs to be fair). Just. Why, though? What's the hurry? What is so abhorrent about the here and now that we are literally power walking away from it?** The answer? Most likely this is a reflection of our racing and tense minds. We are constantly in a go go go mode in our minds, and this comes out in our bodies. In our pacing. Rushing, especially unnecessary rushing, reflecting the state of our minds. Unsustainable.

**The Winter. This is also why we walk fast where I'm from. A lot of the year is cold and outside sucks. But this proves my point above. We walk fast to escape the physical discomfort of coldness. Why do we behave the same where when it's beautiful out and there's nowhere to be?

And so with Jupiter in Taurus, we have better access to the sustainable pacing that can get us to where we are going, while also feeling more peace. While also allowing our minds a chance to fall into a relaxed rhythm, appreciating what is right in front of us. The thing to remember is that this is another Easier Said Than Done. Our bodies get habituated to patterns of pace, patterns of our biochemistry that are awakened when we are stressed/rushing. Slowing down regularly doesn't adjust our internal habit patterns right away. If we've been going going going for so long, slowing down can feel uncomfortable or worse. But in doing so, we allow the chance for us to witness that the world does not fall apart when we slow down. If we do three things on our to-do list instead of four, it's usually ok. In most circumstances, whatever we are rushing about will be there later, and nothing will be for the worse. Those who don't operate on faith need to see that in action to believe it. But we have to try it first. Jupiter in Taurus will help with that.

If you got this far, wow. You are indeed SO PATIENT. Please enjoy this super stealthy discount: MOO20


Scorpio and Mars


The Astrology of March 2023