Scorpio and Mars

Scorpio is precision and deep, subsuming focus. Mars* is singular in nature, and signifies action and volition. With these factors made stable in a fixed sign, and also a *felt* watery sign, it’s no wonder themes of Intensity or Power are associated with Scorpio. Deeply felt motivation and fixed focus provide the conditions for stamina, tenacity, ardency. These qualities are helpful for various spiritual practices, and also just getting shit done in the material world. When the action of Mars is slowed down by the nocturnal nature of a water sign, we are also slowed down enough to think through our actions before we do them. In terms of response instead of reaction. We start to consider timing and precision of our efforts, and strategy arises.

Mars is the nature of the square aspect. When planets are 90 degrees apart, it creates the energy of being prodded along, being forced to face a problem, needing to pivot or change in order to progress or surmount that problem. Austin Coppock talks about the action of an ax splitting a piece of wood into two; a fundamental kind of transformation. Mars is change and transformation itself.

When these themes go too far or get distorted in Scorpio, the fixed energy can lead to tension or pressure. Holding on too tightly, clinging to certain outcomes, misplacement or overdoing of effort. We can end up with disappointment, resentment, stress. Manipulation can result when strategy is used not just to plan, but to attempt to control outcomes outside of our true influence.

Jupiter is transiting opposite to Mars right now in the sky (end of October, 2023), reflecting what is a perfect counterbalance when we find ourselves clinging to things turning out a certain way: Faith! We can go about our actions, having thoughtfully chosen to do them, and then have faith that we will have the strength and bravery to navigate what ever unfurls from our actions or motivations.


There’s so much more to Mars than I poked at in this non-exhaustive little blurb. When I discuss Scorpio in session I like to touch on the perceptive sensitivity, the depth, complexity, issues of intimacy/vulnerability, the nature of privacy, bravery, and more. If you’re interested in reading with me and learning more about the Scorpio and Mars-involved areas of your chart, don’t forget to use the discount code ASTROLOGYPODCAST for 10% off your reading.

*Mars rules over Scorpio and finds their nocturnal home there if we’re honoring the Thema Mundi.


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