The Astrology of March 2023

Pisces Season Approaches

Last year’s Pisces season was co-present Jupiter, who was able to provide Mercury and the Sun with support and guidance. This year they do not have that luxury; both the domicile and exaltation rulers will be out of range of communication for the duration of their stay. As a result, the only influences transiting Sun and Mercury will encounter will be that of outer planets and Mars. As we move through our days and attempt to accomplish tasks, our paths might be a bit more circuitous due to the applying Mars-Neptune square. The month of March is punctuated by both Mercury and Mars being compromised by Neptune. Our ability to have the correct information and act accordingly will run up against inaccuracies, missed information, and uncertainty. It’s a great month for planning and coordinating, less so for deciding and acting.

Pluto and Uranus are both in a sign-based sextile to Pisces. We are poised to transmute difficult subconscious contents during this time. We are also better able to go with the flow of change ever-occurring in Taurus. Allow things to take more than one try, allow thoughts to pass through without condemnation. 

Mercury enters Pisces March 2nd and will be there until the 18th. Get your taxes done before or after this date - during might not be as easy. Mercury in Pisces is more time for creative expression, making meaning through symbolic language, or gathering of internal insights. There’s less fortitude for the algorithmic tending of our material plane. 

Saturn Arrives

While we might be feeling a little lost at sea, thankfully (oddly enough), we have an anchor. Saturn will be entering the seascape on the 7th providing a much needed check and balance to dreamy Neptune. This marks the beginning of a three year transit in which we’ll have the opportunity to take what we’ve been imagining or visioning about (maybe for years), and turn what we can into reality. Saturn enters the room and says “that’s a beautiful idea you have, let’s set the parameters. What resources do we have, what space and time do we want to build this container in so it can house what you seek?”

Virgo Full Moon

On the same day Saturn makes its ingress on March 7th, we also have Virgo Full Moon highlighting the practical even further with all the tiny details and processes that will be needed to make our dreams a reality. Some details matter, some won’t affect the final outcome. This is a great time to sit down and create a grand plan or design. My advice is always to break down the large goals into the smallest increments. This makes each step way more achievable and helps keep us focused on the next 1-2 steps so we don’t get overwhelmed by the sheer size or gravity of the dreams we hold inside. Roland Orzabal said “The dreams of which I’m dying are the best I’ve ever had” - Except we don’t have to die Ronald. We can just make SMART goals and detailed processes to make our dreams a reality!

Effervescent Aries

While we’re at the helm of a ship we may not know exactly how to steer, Jupiter and Venus have charged ahead into Aries. This will be an effervescent, assertively fun energy for this month that I think will really lift the mood. We have the charm and self assertion to seize opportunities or advocate for ourselves in style. 

Aries season will commence on the 20th with Mercury already in a mutual reception to its domicile ruler, Mars in Gemini. The Sun will be exalted, so not only are phasers set to stunning, but we’ve got the ruler of Aries on speed dial to help us maneuver the end of March with cunning and agility. Whatever words you need to have, messages you need to send, swift actions you need to take, March 18-25th will be a great time for just that.

Hoping you have a fantastic March!


Upcoming Dates of Interest

  • 2/20 Venus enters Aries

  • 2/25 Mercury disappears from Morning sky

  • 3/2 Mercury enters Pisces

  • 3/4/23 Saturn rises in Morning sky

  • 3/7 Saturn enters Pisces

  • 3/7 Virgo Full Moon

  • 3/16 Venus enters Taurus

  • 3/16 Mercury Cazimi

  • 3/16 Mars leaves post-retrograde shadow

  • 3/18 Mercury enters Aries

  • 3/20 Sun enters Aries

  • 3/21 Jupiter disappears from Evening sky

  • 3/21 Aries New Moon


Taurus and Pacing


Melting Ice, Softening the Heart