Rising Sign Horoscopes Early-Mid April 2024

Rising Sign Horoscopes for Early-Mid April 2024

I am really enjoying the refreshing Aries energy with the Sun currently at 15 degrees. I’m over-thinking less and feeling new clarity around actions I want to take. I hope you’re all feeling similarly refreshed or clear, especially with house topics of the Aries part of your chart!

On the other hand, a lot of this newfound clarity isn’t yet actionable, at least for me. This may or may not be the case for you, but Mars (ruling this invigorated Sun) is currently next door in Pisces, unable to give much support to the Sun, and running into Saturn: delays or challenges in initiation, possibly related to the house topics in the Pisces part of your chart.

In short, we may need to HANG IN THERE UNTIL MARS PASSES SATURN. Mars is 3 degrees-separated from Saturn by April 15th, moving further away from the source of struggle, and breaking completely away into Aries on April 30th. I suspect that likewise, the pace will slowly increase, or we will slowly start to surmount challenges over the last half of April, with more action happening in May for the Mars-ruled parts of our chart.

I elaborate below on what this Pisces/Aries configuration could reflect for you based on your rising sign (using whole sign houses):

Pisces Rising

You may want to get started on financial goals or aspirations, or start developing a new skill. At the same time, delays, challenges, or responsibilities in your general circumstances might be getting in the way. Maybe your own energy reserves are low or being taken up by a growing list of responsibilities. Look to your familiar family, friends, neighbors, or co-workers for help, as well as local spaces, or familiar online spaces for support. Small, regular ritual you do for self care or to honor your beliefs might also help.

The efforts you’re putting into your self and your general life are likely a key in taking skillful action regarding money or resources.

Aries Rising

You may want to get started on personal goals or aspirations, or just live life at a faster pace than it’s been going. At the same time, delays, challenges, or responsibilities related to chronic health problems, or related to mental/emotional/spiritual health might be getting in the way. Look to maximize on what resources you do have: Stability, time, relationships, skills, talents, money, a resourceful or resilient mind, physical health, anything that can be a resource for you.

The efforts you’re putting in behind the scenes, or the effort you’re putting into your mental/emotional/spiritual health and practices are likely a key in those efforts showing up on the outside or in practical life.

Taurus Rising

You may feel called to focus inward on goals or aspirations related to mental/emotional/spiritual health, or intentionally work with grief or suffering of yourself or others. At the same time, delays, challenges, or responsibilities regarding groups/networks/friends or other aspirations might be taking up a lot of your time and energy, making it harder to engage with quieter practices or inner work. Look to your general circumstances for untapped resources whether it be stability, time, relationships, skills, talents, money, a resourceful or resilient mind, or physical health. Also your own confidence, understanding, acceptance, or optimism can contribute.

The efforts you’re putting into your groups/networks/friends or aspirations are likely a key in whatever inner work or behind the scenes work is also wanting to happen.

Gemini Rising

You may want to get started with personal aspirations or goals, or focus your energy on friends and groups. At the same time, delays, challenges, or responsibilities regarding career, public image, or general life trajectory might be holding you back. Maybe the pressure and weight of living is taking the fun and inspiration out of everyday life. For the month of April, remember to utilize your personal spiritual practices, and mental and emotional health practices to support your heart and mind. Alone time, solitude, or focusing on behind the scenes work might also be beneficial.

The efforts you’re putting into your career, public image, or general life trajectory are likely a key to engaging well with whatever groups, friendships, or other aspirations your heart is on fire about right now.

Cancer Rising

You may want to initiate career or life path goals or aspirations, or maybe just embody a more authentic you in public. At the same time, delays, challenges, or responsibilities regarding current belief systems or programming might be getting in the way. Maybe the obstructions lie in corporate/institutional bureaucracy or being asked to travel too much. Look to your friends, groups, and networks for help during this time to navigate life’s frustrations. Remember what lights your heart on fire, including inspirational or aspirational things outside of the career or public roles as well.

The efforts you’re putting into topics related to long distance travel, understanding beliefs, or the effort you’re putting into continuing education or navigating institutions are likely a key in finding a more authentic path in life, public role, or career.

Leo Rising

You may want to get started or take action on topics regarding long distance travel, publishing or widely-sharing your works, beliefs, continuing or advanced education, divination, or navigating bureaucracy/politics/institutions. While you may want to focus energy on those topics, delays, challenges, or responsibilities related to collaborations, complex finances/funding, debt, inheritance or even end-of-life matters might be coming up. Look for help or stability in terms of your current life trajectories, career, or public roles. These areas of life could be where stability is coming from to allow better navigation of the above challenges.

The efforts you’re putting into collaborations, complex finances/funding, debt, inheritance or even end-of-life matters are likely a key in moving forward with long distance travel, publishing or widely-sharing your works, beliefs, continuing or advanced education, divination, or navigating bureaucracy/politics/institutions.

Virgo Rising

You may want to get started or take action on topics regarding collaborations, complex finances/funding, inheritance or even end-of-life matters. At the same time, delays, challenges, or responsibilities regarding partners, business associates, or open adversaries might be getting in the way or taking up your time and energy. Look to your 9th house for help during this time: you might simply find guidance through your personal beliefs or worldviews, but help might also come in the form of long distance travel, published works or publishing your works, learning unfamiliar or advanced topics, or through good will or friendships found in government/church/educational institutions.

The efforts you’re putting into your partnerships now might be key in understanding how best to collaborate, invest, or tend to end-of-life matters.

Libra Rising

You may want to work toward relationship goals or aspirations, or maybe just embody a more authentic you in your partnership(s). At the same time, delays, challenges, or responsibilities related to labor, pets, disease or health maintenance, or conflict might be coming up. Maybe your own energy reserves are low or being taken up by a growing list of regular responsibilities at home or at the literal or metaphorical office. Look to collaborators or partners to see if they can help lighten your list of responsibilities. Delegate if able. Also look to complex finances/investments, inheritance, pooled resources like insurance or grants for help. Liberation or stability around end-of-life matters, debts, or taxes may also be able to assist with challenges at this time.

The efforts you’re putting into pets, health, conflict, or labor may be key in showing up most authentically in partnerships or moving toward relationship goals.

Scorpio Rising

You may want to get started on initiatives related to health, pets, or labor, or just live life at a faster pace than it’s been going. At the same time, delays, challenges, or responsibilities related to children, sex, romance, rest (or lack there of), or self expression might be getting in the way. For help, look to partners (romance or business) or business associates. They could have help or supportive words to assist you. Alternatively, liberation from enemies or difficult partnerships might be allowing for more energy to meet the aspirations and challenges present in other areas of life.

The efforts you’re putting into topics of children, sex, romance, rest, or self expression might be key to taking action related to your health or pets, or how you do conflict or labor.

Sagittarius Rising

You may want to get started or take action related to children, rest, creativity, or romance. At the same time, delays, challenges, or responsibilities related to private life, parent relationships, home/land, intergenerational issues might be coming up. For help, look to your pets, health maintenance routines, or regular labor environments. Maybe stability or progress around your own health, pets, or labor situation is helping to meet aspirations and challenges in other areas of life.

The efforts you’re putting into your private life, parent or ancestor relationships, or home/land might be key in more authentic self expression, creative processes, sex life, rest life, or relationships with children.

Capricorn Rising

You may want to get started or take action related to private life, parent relationships, home/dwelling, ancestry, or intergenerational issues. At the same time, delays, challenges, or responsibilities related to familiar family, friends, or co-workers might be coming up. Challenges could also be coming from local spaces, or familiar online spaces. Maybe delays, challenges, or responsibilities are regarding ritual you do for self care or to honor your beliefs. For help or assistance, look to your ability for creativity or self expression or to romantic partners. Rest and do the things that fill your cup. Notice satisfaction or fulfillment from child relationships or your own relationship with play.

The efforts you’re putting into your familiar people, places, and things, or into ritual you do for self care or to honor your beliefs - these efforts might be key in building a home, private life, or parent/ancestor/land relationships that are most authentic to you.

Aquarius Rising

You may want to get started or take action related to communication, learning or teaching new things, short distance travel, local spaces, or familiar online spaces. There may be a desire to initiate or return to regular rituals you do for self care or to honor your beliefs. At the same time, delays, challenges, or responsibilities related to money and resources might be getting in the way. Resources can be stability, time, relationships, skills, talents, a resourceful or resilient mind, or even physical health. A sense of frustration, delay, or challenge related to resources or having needs met may exist, or responsibilities around these topics might be feeling extra heavy now. For help or assistance, look to your home, dwelling, parent or ancestor relationships, and private life for support. Maybe the private life or home is an oasis from the aforementioned struggles. Or parents, family members, or ancestors have helpful advice or encouragement.

The efforts you’re putting into your money, resources, or skills development, or effort put into getting your needs met - these efforts might be key in brave or authentic communication, in cultivating community or familiar relationships that are most authentic to you. The effort going into getting needs met, or into resource building might be key to building a ritual life that is most authentic for you.


May 2024 Rising Sign Horoscopes


Scorpio and Mars