Mercury and Gemini Season

I hope you’ve been enjoying the Sun’s steady (but bumpy) trek through Taurus. Despite the dubious meta-physical safety of the matter, I watched the Scorpio lunar eclipse last night, and it was spectacular! If you’re interested in the astrological symbolism associated with this eclipse, I covered it in May’s Forecast on Youtube, around 50 minutes in. Today I wanted to honor Hermes by focusing on Gemini Season and Mercury’s current progress in their synodic cycle. Scroll down for my practical list of Mercury Retrograde Pro-tips!

Mercury Retrograde

On April 26th, Mercury passed over the eventual direct station degree at 26 Taurus and entered the pre-retrograde period, when Mercury begins to lose speed and we hear Hermes’ lessons with increasing volume and clarity. At this degree, where Mercury will also station direct on June 3rd, Mercury squares Saturn and trines Pluto, adding a tone of heaviness and complexity to this part of the journey.

So essentially, if a Mercury retrograde is about redos, rethinks, rearranges, and all the lessons we learn during - we can expect the lessons of this retrograde to also include things Saturnian - delays, responsibilities, hard work. Saturn demands we proceed in the proper way without cutting corners. The lessons may also be Plutonian - those involving what is out of our control, power imbalances, or obsessions.

And if that wasn’t enough, Mercury is also on Algol for those fixed star folks who understand the added weight of that archetype.

As always, the Mercury-Sun conjunction on May 21st marks the middle part of this Mercury retrograde story. At this point and for the 1-2 weeks following we may begin to see potential resolutions or outcomes to any clearly Mercury-related challenges.

Gemini New Moon

It’s this heavy energy that influences the Gemini New Moon on the 30th of May as well, which is ruled by retrograde Mercury at the aforementioned, position. Whatever challenges or areas needing improvement brought up by the Mercury story, we have an opportunity for a new beginning in the Gemini part of our chart that might relate. What we rearrange in Taurus will indirectly, but significantly, influence what becomes of the Gemini part of our chart.

We have a chance for beginnings and endings with the eclipses happening this month, and the New Moon in Gemini feels similarly transitional. There’s a focus on physical resources and values in Taurus, but Mercury wants to know how to logistically move toward those things we want. It’s the thinking and planning function that precedes the keeping of the things or the creation of quality of life.  Values, preferences, and how to create sustainable living are the focus of Mercury in Taurus. 

The upcoming Gemini New Moon is designed for second chances and applying the knowledge we’ve gained. As Hermes is allowed to pass between both upper and underworlds freely, they can help us along to the next leg in our own journey. 

Upcoming Dates of Interest

  • 5/21 Mercury Cazimi 

  • 5/22 Mercury regresses back into Taurus

  • 5/24 Mars ingress into Aries

  • 5/28 Venus ingress into Taurus

  • 5/30 New Moon Gemini

  • 6/1 Mercury becomes visible

  • 6/3 Mercury stations direct

  • 6/4 Saturn stations Rx

  • 6/13 Mercury ingress into Gemini 

  • 6/14 Sagittarius Full Moon

Mercury Retrograde Tips

Sometimes we don’t have the luxury or privilege to wait for better astro-weather. Life must go on, and we can’t always let the weather dictate! If we happen to be making exchanges, communicating, traveling (or interviewing for a job, which can involve all three) under skies like these,  there are practical things we can do to help!:

  • Don’t schedule yourself back to back for things.

  • Give yourself more time to travel.

  • If you think you need to resend that email or re-communicate that message, that might actually be a good idea. Over-communication is our friend under these skies, and if people are annoyed by that, then so be it.

  • Set expectations that there will be a redo, a hiccup, a missed detail, a misunderstanding. That way when it happens we can be more patient or understanding to ourselves and to others.

  • If you feel like you should double check that thing - double check it, my friend.

  • Triple check it. It’s not paranoia, it’s due diligence!

  • Urgency is not our friend - if it can wait, let it wait for a few weeks until Mercury is direct.

  • Avoid multitasking as much as possible.

  • Kitchen timers are our friend. Don’t leave kitchen things unattended.

  • Pack an extra outfit for that event in case you spill something and don’t forget to charge your phone completely.

As always don’t hesitate to email me questions, and have a great Gemini Season!

May you be peaceful and well <3,



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