Leo Season

Hey, all you COOL CATS and KITTENS!

Of course I’m going to use that intro for Leo Season! Come on, meow.

Things are growing here in the Northern Hemisphere. The corn is a foot tall, the Sun is long, and we’re in the throes of the season. I hope you’re all enjoying the great outdoors, and had a nice Cancer season, finding lunar restoration with your closest people!

But now, it’s time to turn our attention toward the Sun’s four weeks in steady, radiant Leo from July 22nd until August 22nd. Mercury will be in Leo for just two weeks starting July 22nd.

During this time, we could benefit from opportunities to be uplifted and uplifting, to create, or to be heard. Give and receive affirmation in a classic complement-off/upward-spiral:

“you’re ameezing!”

“no, YOU are ameezing.”

And while I see the potential for glittery vibes, Leo isn’t in a vacuum.

Mars, Uranus, and Saturn add a lot of prickliness and tricky terrain to navigate. When it comes to making yourself heard this Leo Season, we may be better served by a more gentle approach than I usually enjoy during Leo season.

Usually Leo time is time to let your hair down and loosen up, but Saturn opposes Mercury and Sun with the opposite character. Seriousness, analytical and critical, judging, assessing. This is why I recommend the gentle approach to Self-expression the next couple weeks - because you don’t approach a wall driving at full speed, you slow down first so you can navigate the situation.

Mercury approaches Saturn on the 30th of July right after the Leo New Moon and right after it becomes visible in the evening sky. Mercury is so ready to say it’s piece or share, but just as it would like to, there could be a reality check or delay. I think we can take it in stride, but do take care.

The Sun, so Shiny

The Sun is the astronomical center of all the other celestial spheres; and through its consistency and warmth keeps the entire solar system turning. It is the willful spirit that moves us through our life. People often look to Leo as an example (for better or worse), and in this way Leo leads without knowing (for better or worse). It influences without intending to. It emits its influence and people receive it. I see folks who unwittingly lead by example with their wholesome kindness, and I see folks who lead intentionally and directly by leading groups of people. Both are intertwined with the natural ability of Leo to express itself, and to act on that behalf.

The Sun shines whether or not there are clouds. The Sun just shines and there’s nothing we can do about it. Despite Saturn being poised to dim that shine via opposition, what do we do with this glorious generative time of the year? 

  • Let your light shine, but with acceptance of reality, and who/what can receive it.

  • Go to the backyard cookout, but don’t be surprised if pandemic issues limit the ability for folks to kickback. Try to have (safe) fun anyway. Bring the tofu dogs, accept your cousin will make a stupid joke.

  • Remember, if you are cringe, you are free.

  • Try leaving home without the Leo mask of “paragon-hero-good person” or whoever it is you think you need to be.

This Leo season from July 22 - August 22, consider:

  • what house contains Leo in your birth chart 

    • what places, people, or things have you feeling uplifted or inspired

    • what sets your heart on fire with motivation or excitement 

  • what house contains Aquarius in your birth chart 

    • what limitations or constraints might be operating in the house containing Aquarius (and thus transiting Saturn)

  • what ways you can still express yourself or ideas amongst the constraints and limitations

Upcoming Dates of Interest

  • 7/19 Mercury into Leo 

  • 7/22 Sun into Leo

  • 7/28 Leo New Moon

  • 7/30 Mercury emerges as evening star

  • 8/4 Mercury into Virgo

  • 8/11 Venus into Leo

  • 8/11 Aquarius Full Moon

  • 8/20 Mars into Gemini

  • 8/22 Sun into Virgo

As always thanks for reading and good luck! If you need me, feel free to schedule a reading, a tutoring session, or email me with any questions at aligninglightastro@gmail.com <3

[Image description: Daniel Tiger in front of highly saturated yellow flowers quoting Mr. Rogers: "If you could only sense how important you are to the lives of those you meet; how important you can be to the people you may never dream of."]


Virgo New Moon


Sun-Rahu Conjunction